Tuesday, 29 September 2015


Islamic banking finance economy

by islamicbankingfinanceeconomy.blogspot.com


By linguistic murabaha bierasal of ribh meaningful word grows and develops in commerce. Sell ​​items murabaha means selling goods to obtain certain advantages, such as for example, gain 1 dirham on the cost of the purchase of 10 dirhams.
In the term in the opinion of scholars is as follows. According to Ibn Rushd al Maliki murabaha is the buying and selling of commodities in which the seller gives the buyer information on the cost of purchasing goods and desired profit level. Al-Mawardi ash-Shafi'i stated that the Mudharabah is a seller said, I sell these clothes in murabaha, where I bought this dress at a price of 100 dirhams, and I want a gain of 1 dirham on every 10 dirham purchase price.
From the above definition can be concluded that Murabahah is a sale with a basic lack of information from the seller related to the cost of purchasing and desired profit level. Murabaha is a purchase that the selling price is equal to the cost of purchase plus a certain profit level agreed by both parties. Murabaha is not a transaction in the form of lending / credit to others with the addition / flowers, but it is the buying and selling of commodities.

Purchase Terms and Pillars Murabaha

According to al-Kasani Ba'i murabaha contract is said to be valid if it meets several conditions, namely:
1. Knowing the cost price (purchase price), required the purchase price should be known by the buyer. If the purchase price is not made clear to both parties and he has left the majlis then selling off.
2. The clarity margin (profit) both the seller desired, it should be mentioned nominal gains to a second buyer.
3. The capital used to purchase the object of the transaction must be a mitsli goods, which means that there is a counterpart on the market.
4. The object of the transaction and payment instruments used should not be in the form of goods ribawi
5. Akad sale and purchase of the first to be legitimate
6. Do not treacherous or ensuring transparency of contract
Pillars murabaha include:
1) The seller and buyer
2) Ma'qud alaih (for price and goods sold)
3) Shighat (consent and qabul)

Terms aqid namely:
According to scholars Fikh aqid requirements include:
a. Has Ahliyah: both have the decency or the ability to conduct transactions and obtain the authority of Personality '.
b. Has the region: the right or authority of the person who gets the legality Syar'i to conduct transactions on a particular object.

Terms ma'qud 'alaih
a. Transaction object must exist when the agreement / contract sedaang dilakuakan
b. The transaction object must be mal mutaqawwim (treasure that allowed Personality 'to be transacted)
c. A transaction object can be handed over
d. This lack of clarity on the object of the transaction by both parties

 Terms consent and qabul
a. the clarity of the intent and purpose of both parties
b. compatibility between consent and qabul in barng and prices
c. a meeting between consent and qabul (sequential and connect)


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