Islamic banking finance economy
Oil and Gas Industry Perspective of Islamic politics Subsidized fuel restriction policy is another form of subsidy policy. The goal is to create the liberalization of the oil and gas sector in Indonesia. Oil and gas sector liberalization means handing upstream and downstream from the hands of the state to the market mechanism. Thus liberalization can be interpreted as privatization or privatization of the oil and gas sector in Indonesia.For the neo-liberal regime, the subsidy is an enemy of the state. Because the subsidy should be abolished in order to state services to investors in the oil and gas sector to be optimal. Only strong public resistance as victims of government policy making should use the subsidy strategy softer.Removal of subsidies and liberalization policy of the oil and gas sector confirmed the country that do not have empathy for the people whose lives are increasingly squeezed. The state also like not being able mengidera that the oil and gas sector is a strategic sector.Public-Owned Oil and Gas IndustryIn HR at-Tirmidhi, ibn Hammal Abyadh penah asked the Prophet to manage the salt mines. Prophet Muhammad as head of state and government gave the mine to Abyadh. Then someone told the Prophet Muhammad that were given to Abyad bin Hammal is like flowing water (the amount is not limited). Knowing this, the Prophet Muhammad also said, Then, pull back the minerals from it.HR at-Tirmidhi Based on this, the mining of oil and gas in the size of the individual number is not only limited mastery by private and foreign investors haraam. Upstream oil and gas sector because it includes the common property (milkiyyah ammah).While in the downstream sector, the existence of oil refinery facilities (refinery) to process and fuel distribution infrastructure is a public facility that has also become common property. Rasulullah SAW said, Muslims allied (have the same rights) in three things: water, desert, and fire (Abu Dawud). Taqiyuddin an-Nabhani explain the three objects in the hadith is seen from illat her that three people are needed as public facilities. Characteristic of public facilities are not available if the resulting dispute to get it (Islamic Economic System: 2005). Overall, therefore, the oil and gas industry including common property.The role of the state to the oil and gas industry is also not as the owner but the manager. The state is obliged to find and exploit oil and gas fields. The state also had to build an oil refinery and fuel distribution infrastructure. This obligation should not be handed over to the investor. The management of oil and gas industry is a form riayah state against the people as words of the Prophet SAW, An imam (caliph) is the custodian and regulator affairs (the people), and he will be held accountable to the people (Bukhari and Muslim).Strategic Oil and Gas IndustryOil and gas is a highly strategic industry. Because oil is still the world's primary energy source. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Key World Energy Statistics 2010, more than half the world's energy consumption in 2008 came from oil and gas with a share of 68.7% (see graph at right). As for oil or fuel consumption reached 48.7%. This position is not much changed compared to 1973 where as the share of global final energy consumption to reach 74.6% of oil and gas.United States is the largest consumer of oil as well despite the number 3 world producer with a production capacity of 9 million barrels per day. US oil consumption in 2010 reached 19.1 million barrels per day or 22% of global daily consumption of 86.7 million barrels require (US Energy Information Administration, Short-Term Energy Outlook February 2011).US oil consumption rate is outnumbered consumption of China, Japan, India, and Russia, which reached 18.3 million barrels per day. Meanwhile, the US per capita consumption rate of more than 10 liters per day. Compare with Indonesia's per capita consumption of just 0.77 liters per day where the people are always haunted by the removal of subsidies and rising fuel prices.The persistently high oil and gas sector as the world's main source of energy is very strategic place the oil and gas industry in terms of national security. Without adequate oil and gas supplies and the availability of infrastructure, a state can be shaken both in terms of economics, industry, public services, transportation, military, food, and social. Therefore countries ideological grasp the strategic location of the oil and gas industry seeks to secure the oil and gas sector, the US is no exception.US seeks to dominate the world oil and gas fields by putting economic imperialism in various countries that have oil and gas reserves. If there are countries that hinder US interests, senjatalah who will speak as the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. Including the separation of South Sudan through the recent referendum is part of a US strategy for control of natural resources and oil and gas reserves.Very strategic oil and gas industry to US national security from the apparent refusal of the US government's case against the Chinese state-owned enterprises CNOOC's acquisition bid for Unocal is nothing but private companies alone. A US politician Byron Dorgan said Unocal in the US and has produced 1.75 billion barrels of oil. Very foolish if it belongs to a foreign company (Reuters, 7/18/2005)This case is a lesson, that the United States impose economic liberalization to the entire world was shamelessly lick her own spit. This is evidence that liberalization is part of a political strategy of US imperialism.Politics Oil and Gas IndustryIn the perspective of Islamic politics put state oil and gas industry as a regulator and perpetrator. The state is the manager of the oil and gas industry while his people are the rights holder. When politics is run, the oil and gas resources and processing industry under state control.This is quite different from the Indonesian government to implement the liberalization of the oil and gas sector. As the fourth most populous country in the world has only 0.3% of world oil reserves, the Indonesian government put the control of oil and gas resources in the hands of investors. As a consequence to raise the level of oil production is very dependent on the national government as a foreign corporation Contractor Cooperation Contract (PSC).For a target average oil production of 970 thousand barrels per day in 2011, state-owned Pertamina EP plays only about 13.61% or around 132 thousand barrels per day. The rest are foreign contractors and private US corporation Chevron where targeted accounted for 38.14%, or 370 thousand barrels per day (DetikFinance, 23/12/2010).Consequences mastery by foreign oil and gas resources in addition to the basic cost of procurement of fuel becomes too expensive production is not in the national interest. Though Indonesia deficit in the oil sector. In 2009, Indonesia's crude oil production reached 826 thousand barrels per day, while fuel consumption amounted to 1.187 million barrels per day. Indonesia exported an average of 250.4 thousand barrels per day once imported 324.9 thousand barrels per day (OPEC Annual Statistic Bulletin 2009).In the downstream sector, the Indonesian government also entrust the market mechanism to set prices and distribute them to the public. The government's intention is to include the subsidy restrictions on foreign investors. Difficult for foreign investors entering into business when fuel retail stations Pertamina gas stations still selling fuel below the international market price. With the restriction of subsidies, foreign investors are getting ready to invade Indonesia's fuel market.In Indonesia, the Dutch oil company Shell has been expanding since the SBY government raised fuel prices on a large scale in 2005. Now Shell has had 45 filling stations of the development plan of 500 filling stations during 2007-2012. In addition to Shell, Petronas also has built 18 gas stations in Indonesia. While the total target this year could build a gas station 7 of 8 petrol stations already owned (Cash, 07/02/2011).Problems of oil and gas sector in Indonesia increasingly profanity when oil refining capacity (refinery) Indonesia is no longer sufficient. For the year 2009, Indonesia's oil refining capacity of only 1.050 million barrels per day. This capacity is still below Singapore's oil refining capacity reached 1.344 million barrels per day. Though Singapore has no oil resources and its population is only 4.7 million inhabitants. More ironic for fixing fuel prices the Indonesian government relied on international fuel prices in Singapore namely ?? s Mid Oil Platts Singapore or MOPS (See Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2005 on the Sale Price of Domestic Fuel Ecerean article 1, paragraph 4 and 5).If the state of political courage to take the oil and gas industry sharia, although the national oil reserves are not sebesesar oil reserves other Islamic countries in the Middle East, the government is easier to control the oil and gas industry in the national interest. Oil and gas investment is expensive, but governments do not get caught Capitalist economic understanding that poor third world countries capital. This understanding leads only weak countries such as Indonesia to owe or even inviting foreign investors in developing oil and gas industry.It is precisely in the bowels of the earth behind Indonesia which is stored a tremendous wealth which became the target of colonizing nations. Applying the oil and gas sector liberalization is tantamount to throw potential state revenue from public property and create a gap that is widening inequality.In 2009, the five major oil corporations, namely BP, ExxonMobil, Total, Shell, and Chevron has a gross income of US $ 1.19 trillion, equivalent to 2% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP), or 220.21% of Indonesia's GDP. The five corporate net profit reached US $ 68.018 billion. The amount of net profit compares with 79.62% of state revenues from value realization of APBN-P 2009 (Source: OPEC, World Bank, and the Ministry of Finance).Political oil and gas industry should also be under the industrial policy which aims to make the country as industrialized countries. The only way to become an industrial country is creating a whole industry that became the basis of the industry. This industry is an industry that produces industrial tools and machinery (Abdurrahman al-Maliki, Political Economy of Islam).Related to the oil and gas industry, industrial policy to encourage the state to have the ability to produce equipment, machinery and technology needed for oil and gas exploration, lifting, and refinery. This independence would make the cost of the investment to be more efficient. Technology development and further oil and gas industry will generate derivatives industry. For example, asphalt, wax, plastics, fertilizers, ceramics, lubricating oil, and so forth.Political oil and gas industry should also follow the foreign policy of the Islamic state. The US along with its allies against Islam and perform occupation of the lands of Islam. His status is infidel harbi Filan.Oil and gas industry can be used as a weapon against colonial powers. Moreover, the majority of the world's oil reserves exist in the Islamic countries in the Middle East that holds defosit oil by 56.24% from 1337.2 trillion barrels of world oil reserves (OPEC Annual Statistic Bulletin 2009). Through the oil embargo, the US economy can be paralyzed quickly especially with the elimination of the dollar as a means of payment transaction oil.
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