Islamic banking finance economy
Revenue sharing
Calculations for the results of using revenue sharing is derived from a ratio multiplied by earnings before deducting costs. For example, the agreed profit sharing ratio for Islamic banks by 5% and by 95% for customers. If the gross income earned customers in January of $ 10,000, the customer must pay for the results to Islamic banks for $. 50. When the February $ 11,000 income, the profit-sharing received by the Islamic bank for $ 55 and so on. For results between Islamic banks and customers is calculated based on gross income before deducting costs.
Profit / Loss sharing
Calculations for the results of using the profit / loss sharing is the calculation for results derived from the ratio multiplied by the operating profit before income tax. Gross revenue minus cost of goods sold, expenses (general and administrative costs, marketing costs, depreciation costs, and other costs) is equal to operating profit before taxes. Operating profit before tax multiplied by the agreed ratio, is the result to be delivered by the client to the Islamic banks.
For example, the agreed ratio is 40% for Islamic banks and 60% to customers, customers' financial information, among others; income of $ 1000.000; cost of goods sold $ 700,000; marketing costs $ 50,000; general and administrative expenses $ 100,000 and other costs $ 50,000
From this information, it is for the results to be paid to the Islamic banks can be calculated as follows;Revenues $ 1000.0000Cost of goods sold $ 700,000 _The gross profit of $ 300,000General and administrative expenses $ 100,000Marketing costs $ 50,000Other costs $ 50,000 _Income from operations before taxes $ 100,000
For the results given by customers to the Islamic bank is $ 40,000.
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