Tuesday, 29 September 2015

History of Islamic Economic System

Islamic banking finance economy

by islamicbankingfinanceeconomy.blogspot.com

History of Islamic Economic System

With the collapse of communism and the socialist economic system in the early '90s to create a system of capitalism extolled as the only economic system that is valid. But it turns out, the capitalist system brings negative effects and even worse, because many poor countries get poorer and the rich countries are relatively few get richer.In other words, capitalists failed to enhance the dignity of many people, especially in developing countries. In fact, according to Joseph E. Stiglitz (2006) the failure of the American economy '90s because of the greed of capitalism. Failure to fully from the economic systems that exist is because each economic system has weaknesses or deficiencies are greater than the advantages of each. Weakness or deficiency of each economic system is more prominent than the excess.Because of weaknesses or shortcomings is more prominent than the good that is causing emerging new thinking about economic systems, especially among the Muslim countries or countries with a Muslim majority that Islamic economic system. Countries that are predominantly Muslim tries to realize an economic system that is based on the Koran and the Hadith, the Islamic economic system that has managed to bring the Muslims at the time of the Prophet boost the economy in the Arab Zazirah. Of thinking is based on the Koran and the Hadith, is currently being developed Islamic Economics and Islamic Economic System in many Islamic countries, including Indonesia.Islamic Economics and Islamic economic system is the embodiment of Islamic paradigm. Economic development of Sharia and Islamic economic system is not to compete with the economic system of capitalist or socialist economic system, but rather is intended to seek an economic system that has advantages to cover the deficiencies of the existing economic system. Islam handed down to earth, is intended to regulate human life in order to realize peace and happiness of the people living in the world and in the hereafter as the highest economic value. The people here are not simply Muslims but, all the people on the face of the earth. Tranquility of life not only to meet the needs of life are abundant in the world, but also can meet the spirit of peace as a provision in the hereafter. So there must be a balance in meeting the needs of living in the world with the need for the afterlife.The Three Basic Principles Concerning the economic system according to Islamic ShariaTauhid, this principle reflects that the authorities and the sole owner of the universe is God Almighty.Khilafah, present that man is the vicegerent or representative of God on earth, endowed with a set of mental and spiritual potential and completeness of the material resources that can be used to live in order to spread the mission of his life.'Adalah, is integral with the objectives of sharia (maqasid al-Sharia). The consequences of the Caliphate and the principle of 'It is demanding that all of the resources is a mandate from God to be used to reflect on the purpose of sharia, namely; fulfillment (need fullfillment), appreciate sources of income (recpectable source of earnings), income distribution and the prosperity evenly (equitable distribution of income and wealth) as well as the stability and growth (growth and stability).

Four characteristics / properties of the Islamic SystemUnity (unity)Balance (equilibrium)Freedom (free will)Responsibility (responsibility)


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