Islamic banking finance economy
Natural Resources in the Era of the Caliphate
Natural resources (SDA) is the potential resources contained in the earth, the water, and in the air. In
the Qur'an mentioned the earth as a place of human habitation, the sky
as a roof and rain water that fell and fruits as a provision for
manusia.1 in the Qur'an is also affirmed, that God has made all that is on earth to manusia.2 Thus, SDA serves as a means to support human life in the world as well as a source of their livelihood.SDA function since then and now has not changed. Just because of its vital role in human life, natural resources can be a source of conflict. Even more than that, a country which has abundant natural resources may invite the attention and invasions greedy to master.History
records how the motive of colonial powers such as England, Spain,
Portugal, France, and the Netherlands to explore the world to find the
source of spices in Indonesia. Combined with ideological motives that crusade, these countries then
do everything possible to bring the areas rich in natural resources that
they encounter to be exploited and exploited.Not
much different from the past, in modern times now, resource-rich
country will attract the attention of the nation greedy to master. The main difference is first commodities are spices whereas now oil. Areas rich in oil fields such as the Middle East and Central Asia
today is an area that has never stopped volatile as a result of the
invasion and the stranglehold of Western imperialism, particularly the
United States, Britain, and France.Iraq and Afghanistan are two examples of Islamic countries that are victims of Western greed. Iraq was invaded because in the country there is a proven oil reserves of 115 billion barrels. Even
in the last year the number of Iraq's proven oil reserves increased to
143.1 billion barrels, or nearly 8 times the number of American oil
reserves Serikat.3 While in Afghanistan in the middle of last year
announced the discovery of mineral deposits worth $ 1 trillion and 1.8
billion barrels of oil. Commander of US Central Command General David Petraeus said the findings as potential menakjubkan.The
absence of the Caliphate for Muslims at this time causes the wealth of
natural resources owned by the benefits do not fall into the hands of
the people. Islamic
countries are rich in minerals and petroleum instead faced a direct
colonialism as what happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Libya. Most
Muslim countries again was forced to apply the rules of the capitalist
and liberalize the economy as happened in Indonesia, Bangladesh, Turkey,
and Saudi Arabia. Islamic
countries also face a problem that the experts of Western economists
called "natural resource curse" (natural resource curse). That is the paradox of resource-rich country but its population miskin.SDA in the Period of the CaliphateIn
the system of Khilafah, domestic politics is to implement Islamic laws
while the foreign policy of spreading Islam to all corners world.
spread of Islam with jihad to liberate method (futuhat) lands untouched
Islam. Islamic Liberation is different from the colonization by the West. Because Islam revealed by God as rahmat, good news, while warning
that the Political keras. also requires the Caliphate into a strong
state of the militer thereby preventing the imperialist states' efforts
to control the Islamic lands and natural resources contained therein.Ownership SDAProphet Muhammad had adopted a policy to give mine to Abyadh bin Hammal al-Mazini. However, this policy was subsequently withdrawn by the Messenger after
knowing the mine given Abyadh bin Hammal like water mengalir.In the example of the Prophet policy, allowed individual control of mining areas if wide and a little deposit. The exploitation of minerals obtained by the individuals subject to
khums, or one-fifth to put in Baitul Mal as part of the asset fai.For
minerals that amount is not limited, the individual shall not prevail
against it because of the mining products including common property and
the results are included in cash Baitul Mal. The Prophet said, "The Muslims allied in three ways; water, desert and fire "(Abu Dawud). This Hadith also confirms that includes common property natural
resources hinder formation of individual properties for memilikinya.Thus the control of natural resources in the hands of the state will
not only contribute to the security provision of primary commodities for
the purposes of defense and economy of the Caliphate, but also a source
of state revenue is abundant on the property of the general post.For example, oil reserves Islamic countries reached 68.54% of global reserves of natural gas, while 61.45% of world reserves. Supposedly with large reserves of the Muslims getting great benefits as well. Compare with the gross revenue of the five major oil corporations,
namely BP, ExxonMobil, Total, Shell, and Chevron of US $ 1.19 trillion,
equivalent to 2% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP), or 220.21% of
Indonesia's GDP.Crude oilPetroleum is a very important product in the heyday of the Caliphate long before modern times now. The oil becomes a commodity needed for military purposes as well as the local economy. Some
fields of oil at that time, among others in Baku has been operating
since the year 885 AD during the time of Caliph al-Mu'tamid 'Alailah
(870-892). In the 13th century, Marco Polo reported that hundreds of boats take the oil in Baku at that time. Besides
Baku, crude oil production also exists on the east bank of the river
Tigris up along the road to Mosul, in the Egyptian Sinai and Khuzistan
in Iran. The crude oil was distilled for purposes not only a source of energy
but also processed into asphalt and various products derived lainnya.MiningMineral reserves in various regions of the province of the Caliphate contribute to the prosperity of the population. Various precious stones such as emerald obtained in Egypt. While in Spain there are a variety of mineral deposits such as gold,
silver, tin, copper, iron, sulfur, and mercury, including stone rubi.Along North Africa, including Hadramaut, Ispahan, and Armenia are the salt mines. While in the Arabian Sea, along the coast of Bahrain to the Dahlak islands are breeding mutiara.
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