Islamic banking finance economy
There are various definitions of Islamic Economics, according to economists and Muslim intellectuals. Two of the variety that sense, among others: Islamic Economics is a social science that studies the economic problems of the people who have the values of Islam (Mannan, 1997, p 19). Islamic Economics is a branch of science that help to realize human welfare through resource-allocation and distribution of scarce resources in accordance with maqashid (Chapra, 2000, p 125). However, in essence can be captured that the science of Islamic Economics is the study of human efforts in allocating resources to meet their daily needs in ways that conform with Islamic teachings. Thus, Islamic economics has a different task with conventional economics. His job in addition to studying the reality of the behavior of economic agents, both domestic producers, domestic consumers, and governments, also have to formulate the concept of ideal behavior according to the teachings of Islam that should be performed by the economic agents, as well as their effects are possible for the economy. Concretely, this science in addition to explaining the variables are related, which may cause imbalance between the real behavior of ideal behavior also served recommend appropriate strategies to guide the behavior of economic agents that the ideal behavior can be realized (Chapra, 2000, p 127-128 ).Science phylosophy
Ontology discuss about the nature of what is studied, or in other words, ontology is the science of being qua being. Methodology of science can not be separated from the view the human perspective of the world (worldview), among others, a view of where the origin of the universe, what is the meaning and purpose of human life, such as what rights and responsibilities of individuals and communities against each other (Chapra , 2001, p 12). Epistemology is about how the body of knowledge compiled. In other words, discusses the scope and limits of science. Questions to be answered: Where the source of knowledge? What is the nature of science is it? How to verify the truth ?. Truth is dogmatic and absolute revelation, so that the role of revelation in the search for truth is very important. But, we are required to put the truth of the rational and empirical facts within the framework of Islam as a whole. In fact, Islam considers it important position sense, to the extent of God's wrath against those who do not use their minds (10: 100). There are two main approaches used to develop the science of Islamic Economics is deductive and inductive. Deductive approach begins with extracting the core teachings of Islam into elements of Islamic economic theory. Inductive approach, in contrast, begins by describing the real behavior of economic agents and the interactions between them in the economy. Verificationism is the view that an idea can be said to be true when it found evidence to support the idea. Falsificationism is the view that an idea can be said to be true when it is not found evidence that can refute that idea. Verificationism versus falsificationism debate so far is still ongoing among Western economists. Experts in Islamic Economics is not much to discuss this debate because they are only to be at the level of empiricism. Meanwhile, the epistemology in Islamic economics are even more extensive, including concepts or ideas that are non-empirical (eg, about God, afterlife, etc.). Masudul Alam Choudhury (1998), explains that the Islamic economic approach that is needed to use shuratic process individual methodology was replaced by a consensus of experts and market participants in creating a balance of economic and market behavior. Individualism which is the basic idea of conventional economics can no longer survive, because it ignores the right of distribution, creating a gap between the rich and the poor. A science is said to be positive when discussing something at the level of what is (what is), and normative when discussing something at the level of what it should be (ought to). In accordance with his duties, Islamic economics is not restricted solely as a science that is positive or normative. Restrictions on Islamic economics merely as a science that is positive or normative is unnecessary and unproductive. Any attempt to limit the positive aspects and normative will ultimately be bad, in the sense of causing birth and growth of secularism in the science of Islamic Economics (Mannan, 1997, p 9-13). Axiology discuss the goals of science are prepared, or in other words, to what science has been developed that will be used. The purpose of Islamic economics is to achieve falah, or happiness hereafter. For the life of the world, falah contains three terms: survival, freedom from poverty, and strength and honor. For the life hereafter, falah contains three terms: the eternal survival, well-being eternal, immortal glory, and knowledge free from all ignorance.
Position and Development
Some authors express different views on the relationship of Islamic economics and conventional economics. Most placing of Islamic economics is de novo, as part of the overall Islamic science. Most placing of Islamic economics at par with conventional economics, as part of the overall economics. Although related, but economics is not Islamic fiqh muamalah. Fiqh muamalah is the knowledge about the rules of sharia that are practical in economics (civil) and the arguments relating to these rules. Islamic economics has three functions relationship with fiqh muamalah: [1] function is different fiqh muamalah, [2] The same function with fiqh muamalah, [3] function that supports muamalah fiqh. Knowledge of the economic history of Muslims is very beneficial to the development of Islamic economics. However, what has been done by the Muslim predecessors should not be interpreted as an ideal guide for Islamic economy (except anything that is exemplified in the time prophetic Prophet). Many Muslim thinkers have made valuable contributions which directly or indirectly influence the development of modern economics. It is, need to be revealed again in order to raise awareness and pride of the Muslims will be the Islamic civilization. However, these contributions must remain examined critically and objectively, and should not be taken for granted just because it is done by a Muslim.
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