Islamic banking finance economy
Islamic Economics for the benefit of Mankind
are three economic systems that exist on this earth, namely, the
capitalist economic system, the socialist economic system, the economic
system and economic mix. All these systems are some of the economic system that developed based
on the thinking of those western, in addition to the three systems,
there is no system that is successfully applied in various countries
around the world.All
economic systems of thought western people is already very evident that
no one can succeed until now, the system also proved unable to provide
benefit to mankind on this earth, the evidence of unsuccessful all the
system starting from the dissolution of the Union Soviet
into some parts of the country in the year 90s, followed by the poor
results of all these systems, that poor countries become poorer, the
rich countries are relatively few become richer. All that became clear proof that all economic systems the thinking of
those western bring harm and destruction to the world economy.Currently we mankind is looking for an appropriate way to solve all these problems. How to? Yes, there is only one economic system that will lead to mutual benefit, namely the Islamic Economic System. A
system in which the guidance is based on the Qur'an and Sunnah, as well
as a system that will bring mankind to the path blessed by Him. The
development of Islamic economic system today is not to menyayingi
existing economic system, but how this system serves as a cover shortage
of all economic systems that have been there before. The
system is based on Islamic religion (دين الإسلام), because Islam as
"rahmatan lil Alamin" is a mercy to the worlds, has meaning, Islam is
not just for the Ummah of Islam, but also to all His creatures on the
face of this earth. Islam highly regulate various aspects of human life in this world, from waking up in the morning to sleep again at night. Everything has been set up within the Islamic religion in detail,
merely to achieve the pleasure and happiness of Allah the Creator in the
world and in the hereafter later.In
the Islamic religion economic activities should be based on the laws of
Personality ', meaning there may be carried out and instead there
should not be carried out, in other words "there should be ethics". Economic
activity is one form of worship to God, according to His word:
إلاليعبدون والإنس الجن وماخلقت (az-dzariyyat: 56) means: "And I have not
created the jinn and mankind except to beribdah to Me". Islam also teaches that man is not justified for the secular, which is
split between the activities ukhrowi and the world, there must be a
balance (balance) between the life of the world to the hereafter will
the Islamic religion is essentially a treasure we have is God Almighty,
the property is a divine gift and also as a surrogate of us His people
in this world. Therefore, it is obligatory to keep and use in accordance with the guidance of the Qur'an and Sunnah. Islamic religion has clearly explain the rules relating to the issue of the treasure. Islam has set in problem assets from the side of the way to get it,
and then how to use it, to give way to the beneficiary, be it in the
form shodaqoh, infaq, and charity.Islamic economic system there are three grounding in the application, namely Tawheed, Aqeedah and Shariah. Tawheed,
it means that the economic system is based on only one sole purpose of
achieving the pleasure of Him in every economic activity that has been
carried out on various sides of life. Aqidah,
means that this economic system guarantees against all economic actors
contained therein shall have the aqidah is good and right in order to
avoid brutality or injustice in any economic activity that is
implemented. Sharia,
meaning that this economic system shall be based on the appropriate
guidance of sharia (Qur'an and Sunnah) are applicable in any economic
activity that is implemented. Surely when the third runway has fulfilled the Islamic economic
system, in the end will bring benefit to all of mankind on this earth.Currently
the countries in Europe and America slowly many are beginning to switch
from conventional economic system to the Islamic economic system, they
have found an appropriate way to address the problems of economic crisis
that has befallen their respective countries, namely the Islamic
Economic System. This
system manages to be a solution to the problems posed by the injustices
of conventional economic system, it shows that Islam does bring good to
all, not just for the people of Islam only. Islamization in economics make economics that already exist today become more Islamic and fair. Islamic
economic system has advantages in terms of both science and systems, in
the world of professional Islamic economics is also needed by the
market because according to demand. In the Islamic economic system there is also the name for the result,
the meaning is the risk, in the conventional bank if the borrower goes
bankrupt, then the guarantee will be taken, the bank will not give a
damn, but with Islamic economic system, there will be granting deferral
economics as well as a perfect solution to alleviate poverty, the
system is considered very suitable for poverty alleviation programs, it
is most appropriate because of the poor are not seen as the lazy, but as
a party that does not have access to a better life, where lies the
difference system Islamic and conventional economics. Islamic economic system is not aimed at collecting treasures as much as possible. But, what about a better life can be achieved together, helping each
other meaning is (تعاون) in the goodness that has excess property to the
need of the treasure.Islamic economic principles have synergies (تعاون) means helping each other. According
to his word: وتعاونوا على البر والتقوى ولاتعاونواعلى الإثم والعدوان
(al-Maidah: 2) means: "And please-menolonglah you in (doing) goodness
and piety, and do mutual assistance in sin and transgression". This principle allows the person who first achieved success it can help others. Such cooperation can realize the Islamic Ummah forward together. Islamic
economic system will be more to teach us to care for people in need
around us, be it in the form of material and non material. The
success that has been obtained can not be said to be a perfect person
if you are still overwhelmed surrounding shortage even poverty. Therefore, be of personal benefit to others. Prophet Muhammad said:(لا
يؤمن أحدكم حتى يحب لأخيه ما يحب لنفسه) متفق عليه means: "No believing
man before he loves for his brother what he loves for himself" (HR.
Bukhari, Muslim). In another hadith is also mentioned (الناس أنفعهم للناس (خير meaning: "The best man is useful for other human beings".Speaking
about the development of Islamic economic system in our country
Indonesia, Alhamdulillah we should be grateful together that the system
is getting today continues to grow rapidly, all of this is based on the
awareness of Islamic economics Indonesian society of the higher of the
day, ranging from the development of Islamic banks up now
more advanced, coupled also with the growth of other Islamic financial
institutions such as insurance and Islamic finance companies is growing
rapidly, and in the economic activities of the public market in
Indonesia is getting mengendepankan honesty and fairness in carrying out
its activities Inshallah. The willingness of society on Islamic economics increasingly good is
judged to be the main capital of Indonesia to be able to outperform the
growth of Islamic financial institutions in other countries, because the
capital is not shared by some other countries, due to the growth of
Islamic financial institutions in other countries is driven by
government policy.Encouragement
from all levels of Indonesian society ranging from micro-economic areas
up to large employers greatly assist the development of Islamic
economic growth in the country of Indonesia, one that has succeeded is
in knowing sharia financing scheme. All
this must be coupled with support equitable economic socialization
Shariah by non-governmental organizations throughout the territory of
Indonesia, a source stated that the growth of Islamic financial
institutions in the homeland of Indonesia is predicted to be able to
achieve more than 50 percent in the coming year. The growth was not only in the banking world, but also in other
Islamic financial institutions such as insurance and finance companies
the whole growth of sharia economic system present in the end will
bring benefit to all of mankind in this world, which is essential in
order to achieve happiness in the Hereafter later. Allahumma Amin Yes Rabbal Alamin....
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